You are here: Other Information > File Functions > Importing Data > Importing PRPay data from another folder

Importing PRPay data from another Folder

Use this option to merge PRPay data from another folder to your current data path. For example, you may have been working with two different folders where you store data. This function merges both folders so you have all the data stored in only one place.

  1. Click File/Import >PRPay data from another folder message appears.Alert. An

  1. Click Ok to continue. The Import Data Files window appears.

  1. On the Import data from this folder field, click Browse to locate the data folder to be merged with your current data.
  2. The Into data in this folder shows the current data path in PRPay. This is the location where you will have all the data.
  3. If the data imported (step 3) includes companies that are also included in the current data path, click Prompt if duplicate company and PRPay will ask you if you want to keep the company information of the current data. It will overwrite company data existing in the current data path (target location, step 4).
  4. Click Overwrite all with no prompt if you want to replace the current data with the imported one.
  5. Click Ok to continue.

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